What Happens to Pets When Disaster Strikes ?

“It’s estimated about 600,000 companion animals died or were left homeless as a result of Hurricane Katrina.

Dogs, cats and other pets left behind in a disaster can die quickly by drowning or fire, for example. Or they can die slow, agonizing deaths confined in a condemned home, tied up in a backyard, or waiting inside an apartment for an owner who won’t be returning.

If they are able to escape confinement, they wander the streets looking for water, food and shelter, and can ultimately succumb to dehydration, starvation or disease.

Pets lucky enough to be rescued can be deeply traumatized by what they’ve been through, and exhibit stress-related behaviors that make adoption by a new family difficult.

And there’s also the terrible sense of loss and grief pet parents feel when they don’t know what’s become of a beloved family pet left behind.”

Read More Using the Link Below …

Excerpts Source:   http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2010/05/26/how-to-prepare-for-your-pets-needs-before-a-disaster-strikes.aspx

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Learn How to Make a Para-cord Dog Leash

Above Video Title:   Lookers Para-cord Dog Leash

I saw this video and thought it was a neat idea to learn how to make a para-cord leash for your dog. Especially since it is a shorter leash and won’t get tangled up in a dog’s legs so easy. So in that aspect of it, it is better for the dogs health not to get tangled up.

Kitty <^.^>

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Prepping for Pets Makes Sense

Video Title: Emergency Pet Storage

YouTube Pet Prepper Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/user/PetPrepper

“Pets are extensions of our family and we need to incorporate them into our prepping plans. With this article I hope to give you some good ideas to do just that. I am going to focus on the two most common household pets: dogs and cats. We have two dogs and four cats, all of which spend a majority of time inside with us.”

Excerpt Source:   http://americanpreppersnetwork.com/2013/02/prepping-with-pets.html

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